Pilgrims Choice

Dishes Of Your Dreams

Pilgrims Choice is Britain’s no.2 cheddar brand – the cheesy challenger to Cathedral City.  With a brand platform around The Cheese Of Your Dreams, the brief for 2019 was to drive favourability amongst younger, foodie  audiences, and increase the rate of sale by showing more ways to enjoy Pilgrims Choice. We wanted to show people that the cheese of their dreams could help them make  the dishes of their dreams.

Foodie culture is everywhere on the internet, and brands wanting to create recipe content face an uphill challenge  to get noticed. Food brands compete with restaurants, chefs, food publishers and TV channels, not to mention social media users themselves, posting everything from latte art to the perfect avocado on sourdough. 

So instead of fighting against this trend, we fought with it. We struck a branded content deal that would merge the strength of influencer voices, with the huge reach and  exposure of one of the biggest food publishers on the planet: Tastemade. 

We took Tastemade’s signature ‘hands on recipe’ style  with its simple top-down camera view, and added our own twists. Firstly, we partnered with two popular foodie influencers to invent new recipes and show how Pilgrims Choice could improve all kinds of dishes. Each influencer was chosen for their appeal to a different audience segment Adventurous Foodies and Comfort Cravers – thereby  bringing our brand to new audiences, and allowing us to show the cheese’s versatility.

We then created the ultimate hands on recipe video.  In a Tastemade first, we enlisted the help of the audience,  asking them to vote on what made the Burger of their Dreams, through an Instagram Stories poll. The results from the poll were fed into our final recipe video, which truly reflected the nation’s ultimate burger.

To drive through to sale, we integrated ‘add to basket’  technology. With one tap, viewers could add all the recipe ingredients to a shopping list, and purchase through their preferred online supermarket.


Tastemade’s best branded content partnership ever: over 2M views for the IG story with 26k viewers  completing the interactive poll.

Watch time was double Tastemade’s benchmark, with 85% positive sentiment and top emotional  reactions being ‘Enjoy’ and ‘Love’.

The entire partnership delivered over 6 million  views, representing tremendous value at 1p / view – especially when you consider the depth of engagement, the authenticity, and media dwell time.

12,402 shopping lists created – at a CTR of 1.27% vs the average of just 0.1%.

And in the 12 weeks to December 2019, Pilgrims Choice was the fastest growing brand in the category, with a  stunning 6.9% volume growth, with rate of sale far outstripping the competition. 

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